The Ultimate collection [Enregistrament sonor] / The Who.

Autoria: Who (Grup musical)Tipus de material: MúsicaMúsicaNúm. d'editor o distribuïdor: Universal 4b 065 269-2Edició: [S.l.] : Universal, cop. 2002Descripció: 2 discs sonors (CD) (68, 78 min.)Matèria/es: Música rock
Conté: CD1: I can't explain ; Anyway, anyhow, anywhere ; My generation ; The kids are alright ; A legal matter ; Substitute ; I'm a boy ; Boris the spider ; Happy Jack ; Pictures of Lily ; I can see for miles ; Call me lightning ; Magic bus ; Pinball wizard ; I'm free ; See me feel me ; The seeker ; Summertime blues ; My wife ; Baba O'Riley ; Bargain. -- CD2: Behind blue eyes ; Won't get fooled again ; Let's see action ; Pure and easy ; Join together ; Long live rock ; The vreal me ; 5'15 ; Love reign o'er me ; Squeeze box ; Who are you ; Sister disco ; You better you bet ; Don't let go the coat ; Another tricky day ; Eminence front.
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CD Biblioteca del Centre de Lectura de Reus Videoteca 2 WHO(ULT)-CD 1 Disponible 1000100213

Conté: CD1: I can't explain ; Anyway, anyhow, anywhere ; My generation ; The kids are alright ; A legal matter ; Substitute ; I'm a boy ; Boris the spider ; Happy Jack ; Pictures of Lily ; I can see for miles ; Call me lightning ; Magic bus ; Pinball wizard ; I'm free ; See me feel me ; The seeker ; Summertime blues ; My wife ; Baba O'Riley ; Bargain. -- CD2: Behind blue eyes ; Won't get fooled again ; Let's see action ; Pure and easy ; Join together ; Long live rock ; The vreal me ; 5'15 ; Love reign o'er me ; Squeeze box ; Who are you ; Sister disco ; You better you bet ; Don't let go the coat ; Another tricky day ; Eminence front.

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